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Implantology Courses:

a) Basic Implantology -
3/5 Cases

b) Advanced Implantology
- 7 Cases

c) Residency In Implantology - 20/40 Cases

Learnings & Schedule

Module 1

Day 1


  1. Case Selection & Treatment planning for Conventional and/or Basal Implants
  2. Materials , Design
  3. Classification
  4. Applied Anatomy
  5. Bone Physiology
  6. Bone Grafts
  7. Wound Healing, Osseointegration
  8. Flap Designs
  9. Flapless Surgeries
  10. Sterilization & Asepsis
  11. Medication
  12. Lab Investigations


  1. Various Implant Systems
  2. Various Techniques of Surgical Implant Placement
  3. Pre Surgical Preparation Techniques (Surgical Stent to Dynamic Navigation)


Dummy Implant Placement by Participants

Day 2


  1. Pre Prosthetic Options , Prosthesis
  2. Impression Techniques
  3. Prosthetic Options for Conventional and/ or Basal Implants ( Single Tooth, Multiple Missing Teeth, Distal Extension Cases, Completely Edentulous)
  4. Checking of Osseointegration
  5. Implant Retained/ Implant Supported hybrid Denture
  6. Implant Exposure
  7. Implant Occlusion
  8. Implant Stability
  9. Implant Aesthetics
  10. Post Implant Maintenance
  11. Post Implant Complications & Management
  12. Discussions
  13. Take Home Tips

Day 3

Module 2: Surgical

Participants place implants as per their respective quotas during their course durations 

Module 3: Prosthesis

(3 Months After 1st Implant Placement)

  1. Impression Making Hands- On
  2. Impression Making for Implants previously placed by participant on patient
  3. Prosthesis Delivery

Module 4


  1. Implant site Preparation
  2. PRF
  3. Socket Grafting
  4. Socket Preservation
  5. Guided Bone Regeneration: Grafts and Membranes
  6. Soft Tissue Management:
  7. Free gingival & CT grafts
  8. Ridge Augmentation: Horizontal & Vertical


  1. Ridge Splits
  2. Expansion with Densah Burs
  3. Socket Shield Technique
  4. Sinus Lifts: Direct & Indirect
  5. Single & Basal Implants
  6. Pterygoid & Zygomatic Implants


  1. Aesthetic Considerations
  2. Alternate methods to avoid Sinus Lifts & Ridge Augmentation
  3. Tilted Implantology:
  4. All on 4
  5. All on 6
  6. Full Mouth Rehabilitation
  7. Occlusion
  8. Immediate Loading Protocols
  9. Hybrid Dentures
  10. Over Dentures
  11. Impression making ( By Participants)
  12. Prostheses Delivery ( By Participants)

Quota & Fees

  1. 1-1 Mentorship 
  2. Focus on High Quality
  3. Thorough theory
  4. Comprehensive Hands-on
  5. Through Clinical Exposure

Quota & Fees

Sr No

Coure Name

Case Types

Implant Placements

Prosthetic Procedures


Actual Fees


Implantology start-up course:

4: simple implants ,2 sinus lifts, 1

Grafting case/immediate implant placement, Cases Under Guide,



7 Days



Advanced Implantology

Sinus lifts,

Grafting case,  Ant. Implant placement, Immediate loading, Expansion case, use of Densah, guided Implant placements, Socket shield, digital impression making, immediate implant placement, Full arch case



11 Days




(advanced implantology cases) +

an overdenture case +

2 full arch cases



3 Months



Express Residency Course – 1 Month

(advanced implantology cases) +

an overdenture case +

2 full arch cases)



1 Month



Complimentary Book: 

  • Misch’s Contemporary Implant Dentistry, 4e: South Asia Edition

Complimentary Workshops:

  • 1 Day – Direct Anterior Composites
  • 2 Days – Direct Anterior & Posterior Composite
  • 4 Days – Direct & Indirect Anterior & Posterior Composites




1. The Duration may extend depending on patient availability and participants learning ability.

2. It is important for the student to pass the assessment after 14 days hands-on workshop with atleast 60% marks to be eligible to start the Clinicals.

3. Those students scoring less than 60 percentile ( who require extra attention/efforts to improve their work and speed) shall be required to re-attend the workshop/Repeat Hands-on again by paying an additional 50% of the workshop fees

4. Students need to be ready to work/travel to any of our branches including rotatory postings.

5. To encourage knowledge sharing as well as improving quality of teaching-learning, it is mandatory at Ace to do documentation of each case; As such, a min. documentation of the 70% cases is mandatory to receive course completeion certificate

6. Course syllabus, teaching pedagogy as well as materials required are subject to change from time to time and shall be reflected on the website as such.

7. As admission intakes are limited, courses once registered cannot be changed and the fees is non adjustable and non refundable under any circumstances whatsoever

8. The students also are expected to show a professional conduct and follow rules of the clinic/branch they are posted even as they update from time to time

9. Timings: Students are to adhere to respective Branch Timings.

10. Leaves: Atleast 24 hrs prior: unplanned leave Minimum 3 days prior: Planned leaves.

Students are to make sure, any pending cases are complete/rescheduled accordingly. Under no circumstance inconvenience to the patient shall be accepted.

11. Patient Management Software: Most of our Branches have clinic management softwares. Students are to update their respective case progress on day to day basis, in the software.


Welcome to Ace Institute of Dentistry! We offer short-term and long-term workshops and clinical courses for dentists. We operate on three core values: Ethics, learning by doing and Best Practice Protocols aligned with international standards. we offer a range of courses on Endodontics, Implantology, Exodontia, lasers and more. Our hands-on approach ensures ample patient exposure empowering dentists to excel in their practice.


Ace Institute Of Dentistry, Kishanbagh, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

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